Thursday, March 26, 2020

Marine Chemistry Is Here to Stay

Marine Chemistry Is Here to StayIf you have a passion for the ocean and the marine life that live in it, then marine chemistry could be your future. This is the study of the chemistry of the ocean which is extremely essential to the world we live in today. Without chemistry the world we live in would be unrecognizable.In the beginning the natural components were only the water, air, and certain elements that were known to us. Over time the world has become populated by life forms that have been formed from compounds that did not exist in the first place. But through the advancement of technology, now we have certain things to use that are naturally found.A way of determining the chemical composition of an element is by taking it apart and seeing what it's composed of. The composition is a combination of the molecular weight and the atomic number. In chemistry, these are used to determine the properties of the elements. The atomic number is used to refer to the number of protons and n eutrons that make up the element.The different chemical compositions in the ocean are those that make up the atmosphere of the ocean. Through the study of chemistry marine life is made, as well as how they live. The ocean is one of the most amazing things to behold, not just on earth but the universe. It has been seen in the past and will most likely be seen again in the future.There are only two ways that this natural material can be made, through chemical processes or by such matter as electricity. It is through the former that man has progressed. Not only do people use it as tools, but there are even scientific experiments to do with it. Even today there are always new experiments that are being conducted using this nature's own marvel.There are also some problems when making chemical compounds like phosphates, nitrates, and carbonates. These two are the types of compounds that make up the ocean. There are many compounds that can be made by utilizing the natural materials of the ocean.There are many questions that remain regarding the mixture of gases and oceans. What are the main things we have to consider in studying marine chemistry? With the answers we have and the very small amount of research that has been done on it so far, we can safely say that marine chemistry is here to stay.

Friday, March 6, 2020

28 Funny Spanish Phrases Sayings That Dont Quite Translate

28 Funny Spanish Phrases Sayings That Dont Quite Translate Sign up successful Literal translation: Wanting to, is being able to. What it actually means: Where there’s a will, there’s a way. This wise saying points to the resilient heart of Spanish culture, that even if an obstacle appears insurmountable at first, you can overcome it! No hay mal que por bien no venga. Literal translation: There’s nothing bad that doesn’t occur in the name of a greater good. What it actually means: Every cloud has a silver lining. This is one of our favorite funny Spanish sayings. It points to a belief in Spanish culture that even if an event appears negative, you should trust that it happened for a reason. Life is giving you what you need now, even if it feels rough. You can also attribute it to  the belief in a greater good, or a greater power. Échale ganas. Literal translation: Insert desire. What it actually means: Try your best. Ponte las pilas. Literal translation: Put your batteries on. What it actually means: Work hard. Es mejor pedir perdón que permiso. Literal translation: It’s better to apologize than to ask for permission. What it actually means: Do what you need to do now. Here the attitude is “you better just do what you need to do now and worry about the consequences after,” highlighting another cultural proclivity toward staying in the present moment and doing whatever is needed in that moment. SEE ALSO: 35 Spanish Slang Words Despacio que tengo prisa. Literal translation: Slowly that I’m in a rush. What it actually means: Slower is faster. Many funny Spanish sayings also have a bit of wise advice attached to them. This one suggests that doing what you need to do slowly and thoroughly is more productive in the long-run. Más vale mal por conocido que bueno por conocer. Literal translation: Known evil is better than  unknown good. What it actually means: Be content with what you have now. This saying suggests that known imperfection is better than idealizing a future alternative that may not be too good at all. This is a double-edged sword, however, as staying in your comfort zone can actually prevent you from better options. Él que transa no avanza. Literal translation: He who deceives never advances. What it actually means: Deception never pays off. This rhymes smoothly but only in Spanish. Tirar la casa por la ventana. Literal translation: Throw the house out the window. What it actually means: Roll out the red carpet. This saying is about splurging on special occasions, namely spending a lot of money when the situation warrants it. Mandar a alguien por un tubo. Literal translation: Send someone through a tube. What it actually means: Tell them to shove it. This is about setting limits when people don’t treat you right. Quedarse con los brazos cruzados. Literal translation: Staying with your arms crossed. What it actually means: He/she froze. SEE ALSO: 36 Popular Spanish Slang Words This is when someone gets paralyzed and doesn’t act when they need to. Caras vemos corazones no sabemos. Literal translation: We see faces but we don’t know hearts. What it actually means: Don’t judge a book by its cover. This isnt one of the funny things to say in Spanish, but rather something more serious. It means that you should realize things arent always the way they appear. Mejor solo que mal acompañado. Literal translation: It’s better to be alone than in bad company. What it actually means: It’s okay to be alone sometimes. This saying reminds people to take care of themselves in relationships. De golosos y tragones, están llenos los panteones. Literal translation: Cemeteries are full of greedy people. What it actually means: Care for others or else. This saying works in English but doesn’t rhyme at all. Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente. Literal translation: A shrimp that sleeps is carried away by the current. What it actually means: You snooze, you lose. Here, again, the rhyme is lost in translation but its a good reminder to seize opportunties as they come your way. Más vale un pájaro en mano que ciento uno volando. Literal translation: One bird in hand is better than 100 birds flying. What it actually means: A bird in hand is worth two in a bush. The meaning behind this message is simple: you already have something thats guaranteed yours, so dont be greedy and try to grab two more that may or may not be yours. Se puso hasta las chanclas. Literal translation: He/she put themselves up to the sandals. What it actually means: He/she got hammered. There are many funny Spanish phrases that have to do with drinking. Use this one when you have a friend who got a little too carried away the night before! Palabras necias, oídos sordos. Literal translation: Annoying words, deaf ears. What it actually means: If you don’t have anything positive to say, don’t say anything at all. Nobody likes to listen to someone nagging, so its better to keep quiet! Entre la espada y la pared. Literal translation: Between the sword and the wall. What it actually means: Between a rock and a hard place. This describes a difficult situation where no matter what you do, it feels like the wrong choice. Del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho. Literal translation: There’s a giant gap between the saying and the action. What it actually means: It’s easier said than done. Sometimes its easier to talk about an action getting done than to physically carry it out. Se fue de Guatemala a Guata-peor. Literal translation: It went from Guate-bad to Guata-worse. What it actually means: Things went from bad to worse. This play on words is clearly compromised in the translation, as the original saying in Spanish uses the country Guatemala, which has the word “bad” in its last two syllables. Entre broma y broma la verdad se asoma. Literal translation: Between jokes and jokes, the truth lurks. What it actually means: Jokes can reveal truths. The beautiful rhyming in Spanish is again lost in the English translation. RELATED: 50 Beautiful Spanish Words Now let’s look at some funny Spanish phrases and jokes to share with your friends! ¿Qué le dijo un pez a otro pez? Nada. Translation: What did one fish say to another? Nada. The word nada in Spanish can refer to the command to swim, or the word nothing. So this joke is a play-on-words Hay dos palabras que te abrirán muchas puertas: Empuje y jale. Translation: There are two words that will open many doors for you: push and pull. This hilarious little joke is another play-on-words in Spanish. ¿Qué le dijo una ganza a la otra? Venganza Translation: What did one goose say to the other? Revenge. If you separate the first syllable ven,  meaning come, from the next two, ganza meaning goose, you’ll see that the joke’s answer simultaneously reads, come goose and the word revenge. Clearly, this joke does not work in English, so if it were translated in a movie, the subtitles wouldn’t capture it well, no matter how skilled the translator is. Talk about a dad joke! Se encuentran dos abogados y uno le dice al otro: - ¿Vamos a tomar algo? -Bueno ¿de quién? Translation: There are two lawyers and one says to the other: -“Let’s get a drink.” -“Yes. From who?” In Spanish the verb tomar (“to take”) is also used to mean “to drink,” so the lawyers are “taking a drink” and “taking something from someone” simultaneously. This highlights the cultural  tendency to view lawyers as corrupt, opportunistic, and greedy. ¡Te dije que me gustan las películas viejas y buenas y tú me llevaste a una película de viejas buenas! Translation: “I told you I liked good and old movies, but you took me to see a movie with pretty women!” This play-on-words is especially complicated. While vieja means old, it also refers to a woman, and while buena usually means good, it can also mean attractive when referring to a person. Now that you know these sayings, you wont feel confused if you hear them in conversation! Good luck with your Spanish studies and learning the intricacies of this fascinating language and culture. What other funny Spanish phrases, sayings, or jokes have you come across? Leave a comment and let us know! Post Author:  Jason N. Jason N. tutors English and  Spanish in Athens, GA.  He majored in Spanish at UC Davis and studied Spanish Literature and Psychology at the University of Costa Rica.  Learn more about Jason here!     Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Who, Whom or Whose Video and Exercise 1

Who, Whom or Whose Video and Exercise 1 Ask a native English speaker when it is correct to use Who, Whom or Whose, and they probably wont be able to give you a good answer, especially if they are from the United States. Here, we dont use Whom very often anymore, at least not in spoken English. The difference may seem confusing to non-native speakers too, but it is actually very easily explained, as youll see in our video non Who, Whom and Whose below.See if you can choose Who, Whom or Whose correctly below, then watch the video and try the additional exercises.1. (Who/Whom/Whose) rides the bike?2. (Who/Whom/Whose) does the dog love?3. (Who/Whom/Whose) bike is green?Watch the video below to see the answersWho, Whom or Whose video:Choose the correct word below. If you write your answer in comments, we will respond.1.  (Who/Whom/Whose) dog is that?2.  (Who/Whom/Whose) did he give the dog to?3.  (Who/Whom/Whose) was the last person at the office?4.  (Who/Whom/Whose) won best actor at the Oscars?5.  (Who/Whom/Whose) performance do you think was best?6.  (Who/Whom/Whose) do you think the audience liked best? Marie-pierre Kretz Tabellion WHOSE DOG IS THAT ? WHOM DID HE GIVE THE DOG TO ? WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON AT THE OFFICE ? WHO WON BEST ACTOR AT THE OSCARS ? WHOSE PERFORMANCE DO YOU THINK WAS BEST ? WHOM DO YOU THINK THE AUDIENCE LIKED BEST ? LOIEnglish Excellent! Licia Sorry, I dont understand. I know that he/she are SUBJECT pronouns and him/her OBJECT pronouns, isnt it? Thank you for your video and your answer!! LOIEnglish Yes you are correct he/she are SUBJECT pronouns. The SUBJECT pronoun does the action. He jumps off the building. Him/Her are object pronouns. The OBJECT pronoun receives the action. He gave the gift to HER.When using who/whom, who replaces SUBJECT pronouns and who replaces OBJECT pronouns.Hope this helps! hangpham 1.Whose 2.whom 3.who 4.who 5.Whose 6Whom LOIEnglish Nice work! lucia 1.whose dog is that? 2.whom did he give the dog to?3. who was the last person at the office?4.who won best actor at the Oscars?5.whose performance do you think was best?6. whom do you think the audience liked best? LOIEnglish Lucia good work!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Difference between SEEM, LOOK and APPEAR - Confusing Words

Difference between SEEM, LOOK and APPEAR - Confusing Words Today were going to look at 3 confusing words in English Seem, Look and Appear and understand what is the difference between Seem, Look and Appear.  In this post I have for you a short video lesson that explains the difference between them in detail. If you scroll down, you will be able to read a full transcript. Enjoy! Difference between Seem, Look and Appear - Video Lesson Hi there, I’m Harry and I’m here to talk to you today about some English words and vocabulary.And the words I’m looking at today are SEEMS, LOOKS and APPEARS. And all the differences and how we use them.So SEEMS S E E M S, LOOKS L O O K S and APPEARS A P P E A R S.Ok.On the first look at these words, they have the very same meaning. And if you’re learning English at the beginner’s level, or at intermediate level, really I would explain to you that there is no real difference and you can use one instead of the other, you can interchange them as much as you wish.As you get on to learn English at a more higher level, upper-intermediate and beyond that, then they can be some subtle, but small differences to them.So for example:It looks as if he is not coming around this evening.You’ve organised a dinner, your friend is invited, you’ve got some other friends there. And you’re looking at the watch, and it’s gone 8 o’clock and he hasn’t arrived yet so you turn to yo ur other friends and say:Hmmm, it looks like as if Sean isn’t coming.It seems as if Sean isn’t coming. I invited him but he said he would be here.It appears as if Sean isn’t coming. He would usually be here by now.So in that example it’s a party, he hasn’t arrived when you’d invited him.It looks as if he is not coming.It seems as if he is not coming.It appears as if he is not coming.They all have exactly the same meaning. Difference between Seem, Look and Appear - Image to share Don't keep this to yourself. Tell the world! If there is any difference between them, when we look at looks and appears, we’re talking about something visual. Something that we might see.It looks as if Mary is upset.It appears as if Mary is upset.So when we see Mary, she’s sitting there, she is maybe a little sad or a little melancholic. Perhaps, she might be crying but she certainly looks upset.So we can say:She looks upset.She appears upset.SEEMS is an opinion.We use LOOKS and APPEARS when we’re physically looking at something (or somebody). But seems when we’re just giving an opinion.It seems as if the weather is going to change.I was reading in the paper yesterday that there is a cold front coming. So it seems as if the weather is going to change.But if you look out the window,Oh, it looks like it’s raining.OrIt appears to be raining from here. I can’t really see.Well, that’s it for today. But remember to subscribe to my channel and join us on before I forget, if you look at t he link below, you’ll get access to all of our wonderful courses about Grammar, and other aspects of English. And we’ve just launched a really great course about Common Mistakes in English and How to Avoid Them. And it’s really getting a lot of coverage so you can get in there and buy it. So I’ll catch up with you again soon.

Will having a criminal record stop me from teaching abroad

Will having a criminal record stop me from teaching abroad Wondering whether a conviction is a barrier to teaching abroad? Keep reading to find out! Can I teach English abroad with a criminal record? No one is perfect. In fact, as humans, we’re all fundamentally flawed. We all make mistakes. If you’re reading this, it’s likely you made a mistake in the past that has, unfortunately, resulted in a criminal record. If you do find yourself in this position, you might be concerned about how this could affect your prospects as a teacher overseas. It’s definitely not all doom and gloom, so there’s no need to stress. Where you’ll run into trouble are visa restrictions imposed by countries barringanyonewith a criminal record from obtaining a work permit. Although blanket exclusions are relatively few and far between, some countries and employers may always be off limits to you unless you can get the offense expunged from your record (more on that below). Despite this, there should still be more than enough options open to you to travel and teach abroad. The first thing to bear in mind is that, nowadays, most government programs, international schools and ESL companieswillcheck your personal information against national criminal databases. Popular countries to teach in Asia, likeJapan,China,South Korea,Thailand,TaiwanandVietnam, for example, all conduct background checks on anyone looking to obtain a visa to teach there. Criminal record checks are also common practice for both certified and ESL teaching jobs throughout the Middle East. However, this doesn’t mean that having a criminal record automatically disqualifies you from any teaching jobs in these places. More often than not, it’s not so much a question ofwhetheryou’ve committed a criminal offense in the past, but whichkindof criminal offense. The guidelines for which crimes will prevent you from teaching will vary from country to country, as well as from employer to employer. Minor or non-serious offenses such as misdemeanors probably won’t keep you from landing that teaching position. However, it’s worth bearing in mind that you will likely in the running alongside other candidates with similar credentials who do have a clean record. In these cases, it really comes down to your potential employer’s personal judgment and that’s ultimately something that’s out of your control. In general, however, there tends to be a higher level of understanding for bad choices made when you were a teenager or in college. Most of us can remember the questionable decisions we made in our younger years. As a result, some employers are more likely to look past something that can be chalked up to youthful indiscretions, such as underage drinking, marijuana possession or shoplifting, if their perception of you is otherwise positive. But serious felonies (like murder, sexual offenses and domestic violence) are likely to be hard-and-fast dealbreakers. Teaching in Asia with a criminal record. One salient point to bear in mind is that popular English teaching government programs likeEPIK in KoreaandJET in Japanwill typically screen out applicants with a criminal record. Similarly,HESS, the largest private language institution in Taiwan, do not employ applicants without a clean criminal record. Maybe you’ve heard anecdotes of a friend of a friend who was able to land a job teaching at ahagwonin Japan or at an ESL language center in China in the past with a criminal history. However, as competition for English teaching jobs in Asia continues to heat up, even smaller ESL schools are setting more rigorous background check policies that prospective candidates will need to abide by. What about teaching in Japan with a criminal record? It really depends on whether your offense was a felony or misdemeanor. TheJET program websitestates the following: ”A criminal record will not necessarily disqualify you [from teaching with the JET program]. However, the seriousness of the crime will be taken into consideration and a final decision will be made whether or not you will be offered a position on the program.” A little vague, but a teaching job with JET is not necessarily out of bounds. And while theSpecialist in Humanities visa(the work permit of choice for English teachers in Japan) does not require applicants to undergo a criminal background check, hiring schools in Japan may still ask for it and reject your application, depending on the severity of the offense committed. Can I teach in Korea with a criminal record? A national criminal record check is required as part of the E-2 visa for teaching in Korea. At present, the country has adopted a zero tolerance policy when it comes to applicants with a criminal conviction. This means, more than likely, Korea is off the cards as a potential teaching destination. Can I teach in China with a criminal record? While you might still be able to teach English in China with a misdemeanor charge on your record, having been convicted of a severe crime (especially against a child) is a surefire bar to obtaining aZ visa. Getting a visa to teach in China with a Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or Driving under the Influence (DUI) conviction is also highly unlikely. And as much as we hate to break it to you, a DUI will also prevent you from getting a visa to teach in Asian countries such as Japan and Thailand, as well as throughout the Middle East. Which brings is to your next point: Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. Where can I teach English abroad with a DUI? A DUI shouldn’t count against you when it comes to getting a work permit Europe or Latin America. With the exception of international schools in the region, criminal background checks aren’t requested as frequently here - especially for ESL teachers hired as independent contractors within private tutoring centers. I have a criminal history but I still want to teach abroad. What should I do? Your first step should be to request a national or federal criminal record check. If a past conviction does show up, then it may be worth checking with a lawyer on whether it’s possible to have the charge expunged from your record. This may be a possibility if you committed a relatively minor offense many years ago, although there are no guarantees with this route. Note: US teachers can request aCriminal Record Check through the FBI. Canadian teachers can request aCertified Criminal Record Check from the Royal Canadian Mountain Police. Irish teachers can request aPolice Certificate from the Gardaí. Australian teachers can request aNational Police Certificate from the Australian Federal Police. New Zealand teachers can request aCriminal Record Check from the New Zealand Ministry of Justice. Quick word of warning: You will be required to get your background check authenticated or Apostille-certified. For obvious reasons, we don’t recommend any attempts to forge your criminal record check (or using a fake identity) in an attempt to game the system. Embarking on an international job search isn't easy, and it can be especially intimidating if you have a background that is less than favorable. But a criminal record doesn’t necessarily have to stop you from pursuing your dream job teaching abroad.

Online Tutoring Advantages of the New Approach

Online Tutoring Advantages of the New Approach Today we continue to acquaint our readers with peculiarities of the online education. As it often happens with all innovations there are many obstacles on the way of extension of the online tutoring in spite of all benefits it has in comparison with the traditional ways of tutoring. The main of them is a mistrust from the side of parents. If they can’t see a real tutor how can they be sure that their child will get real knowledge?  However  there are the same demands for the online tutors as for traditional ones: professional competence, individual approach for the student, responsibility and honesty. Tutors of the public online schools must be certified. Besides online tutors must be skillful in modern technologies. Electronic books used in online education are rather unfamiliar for older generation. But the youth of today belongs to the network formation and for them the electronic sources of information are even more natural than the paper books. Modern students willingly welcome all high technologies involved into educational process because the achieved skills will help them in further self-development and future career. In our days information technologies penetrated into all aspects of our life and they are the main tool for the majority of the successful people. There are some categories of people for whom the online tutoring is the only one available education. Some of them suffer from severe  allergies or other medical issues. Others can’t bear school violence and bullying. Some students live in remote areas where face-to-face tutors are not available or they may be interested in a rare subjects such as nuclear engineering or Farsi. Online tutoring provides for a safe opportunity for everybody to get education without meeting with that kind of problems. Sometimes students claim that it is difficult to stay focused in the home environment. But in fact even when we go to traditional schools we learn only part of information during the lessons and the rest of work including studying variable informational sources must be done at home anyway. So it’s only a question of the correct organisation of the learning process. The main advantages of the online tutoring are the following: Time saving: modern technologies enable real-time interaction between tutors and students in any time. All materials are available in electronic format and there is no need to spend time for going to a library or a book store. Mobility: students can study in any place and in any convenient time, even during a trip abroad or late in the evening. Internet connection is the only thing which is needed. The length of each lesson is also individual. Economy and ecology: both tutors and students stay beside their computers, they don’t use the cars and so they save fuel and don’t pollute the environment. Besides they don’t need to buy paper textbooks which saves both money and trees. Many electronic materials are free of cost. Sometimes programs and computer equipment are also provided for free. Internationalization: students get access to a great number of professional tutors living all over the world. The language barrier doesn’t exist anymore. English language is widely spread in all civilized countries and online translation services are available. Tolerance: interaction via Internet neglects ethnic, income, class, sex and all other differences between students and tutors because visual and voice contact is possible but not necessary condition. Safety and comfort: some people feel uneasy in crowded places and prefer to study at home; others can better concentrate in the open air with a plenty of oxygen. Only online tutoring can allow each of them to study in the most convenient surroundings. There is no physical contact so it also eliminates any threat of physical violence. No strangers visit your home and your property and life are absolutely safe. Privacy: tutor and student may not know the real names, appearance and location of each other. In some cases it can be also important. Parent control: online tutoring usually takes place at home so parents have better chances to control the process. Combination of all these favourable factors of course contributes into better mastering of the new information. Besides students can record a tutoring sessions and listen them several time for better understanding and memorizing of the studying material. The list of benefits of the online tutoring is impressive.  However  the fair analysis must include also all disadvantages and dangers of the new educational approach. We will scrutinize the weak sides of the online tutoring in one of our next articles. Online Tutoring Advantages of the New Approach Today we continue to acquaint our readers with peculiarities of the online education. As it often happens with all innovations there are many obstacles on the way of extension of the online tutoring in spite of all benefits it has in comparison with the traditional ways of tutoring. The main of them is a mistrust from the side of parents. If they can’t see a real tutor how can they be sure that their child will get real knowledge?  However  there are the same demands for the online tutors as for traditional ones: professional competence, individual approach for the student, responsibility and honesty. Tutors of the public online schools must be certified. Besides online tutors must be skillful in modern technologies. Electronic books used in online education are rather unfamiliar for older generation. But the youth of today belongs to the network formation and for them the electronic sources of information are even more natural than the paper books. Modern students willingly welcome all high technologies involved into educational process because the achieved skills will help them in further self-development and future career. In our days information technologies penetrated into all aspects of our life and they are the main tool for the majority of the successful people. There are some categories of people for whom the online tutoring is the only one available education. Some of them suffer from severe  allergies or other medical issues. Others can’t bear school violence and bullying. Some students live in remote areas where face-to-face tutors are not available or they may be interested in a rare subjects such as nuclear engineering or Farsi. Online tutoring provides for a safe opportunity for everybody to get education without meeting with that kind of problems. Sometimes students claim that it is difficult to stay focused in the home environment. But in fact even when we go to traditional schools we learn only part of information during the lessons and the rest of work including studying variable informational sources must be done at home anyway. So it’s only a question of the correct organisation of the learning process. The main advantages of the online tutoring are the following: Time saving: modern technologies enable real-time interaction between tutors and students in any time. All materials are available in electronic format and there is no need to spend time for going to a library or a book store. Mobility: students can study in any place and in any convenient time, even during a trip abroad or late in the evening. Internet connection is the only thing which is needed. The length of each lesson is also individual. Economy and ecology: both tutors and students stay beside their computers, they don’t use the cars and so they save fuel and don’t pollute the environment. Besides they don’t need to buy paper textbooks which saves both money and trees. Many electronic materials are free of cost. Sometimes programs and computer equipment are also provided for free. Internationalization: students get access to a great number of professional tutors living all over the world. The language barrier doesn’t exist anymore. English language is widely spread in all civilized countries and online translation services are available. Tolerance: interaction via Internet neglects ethnic, income, class, sex and all other differences between students and tutors because visual and voice contact is possible but not necessary condition. Safety and comfort: some people feel uneasy in crowded places and prefer to study at home; others can better concentrate in the open air with a plenty of oxygen. Only online tutoring can allow each of them to study in the most convenient surroundings. There is no physical contact so it also eliminates any threat of physical violence. No strangers visit your home and your property and life are absolutely safe. Privacy: tutor and student may not know the real names, appearance and location of each other. In some cases it can be also important. Parent control: online tutoring usually takes place at home so parents have better chances to control the process. Combination of all these favourable factors of course contributes into better mastering of the new information. Besides students can record a tutoring sessions and listen them several time for better understanding and memorizing of the studying material. The list of benefits of the online tutoring is impressive.  However  the fair analysis must include also all disadvantages and dangers of the new educational approach. We will scrutinize the weak sides of the online tutoring in one of our next articles.

Kip McGrath Education Centres

Kip McGrath Education Centres Kip McGrath Education Centres Kip McGrath The Specialists in English and Maths Tuition Over the past 40 years, we have helped hundreds of thousands ofchildren improve their skills in English, reading, writing,comprehension and maths skills. The first Kip McGrath Education Centre opened its doors in NSWAustralia in 1976. Founded by school teachers Kip and DugMcGrath, that first tutoring centre has grown since then into aglobal franchise. We currently have over 500 centres globally. We are looking for enthusiastic teachers to join our small and friendly team at Al Raha Beach, Abu Dhabi. Our teachers have a maximum of 6 students per session so we can offer all of the benefits and joys of teaching without the difficulties/admin that mainstream teaching brings. If you are looking for an alternative to teaching in a mainstream school and want to teach students who choose to attend lessons then get in touch to find out more. At Kip McGrath EducationCentres, we aim tocomplement the work beingdone in schools so thatstudents can find successthere too. There is a definiteneed and our centres helpto fulfil that need. Kip McGrath Al Raha Mall is the UAEs first Kip McGrath centre. Located in a safe, friendly environment inside Al Raha Mall near Khalifa City A. All of our teachers are fully qualified from the UK and the USAand we have specialists in English and mathematics for students aged 5-18 years. We create personalised learning programmes to suit the needs of our students. The duration of each tuition session is 80 minutes. We have been thrilled with the welcoming response from Abu Dhabi and its community. The parents have been supportive, the schools collaborative and most importantly our students have made huge improvements in their learning whilst under our guidance. We look forward to connecting with the wider community and see our students continue to grow. At Kip McGrath Al Raha Mall, we aim to complement the work being done in schools so that students can find success there too. View our Brochure